09:00 – 09:30 | Opening Ceremony
The Cyprus Institute Athalassa Campus, Aglantzia, NicosiaDiscover our opening ceremony programme for the sCYence Fair 2025
Discover our opening ceremony programme for the sCYence Fair 2025
Explore a multitude of fascinating presentations
Every participating school team will have its own booth.
The oldest car in Cyprus on the road with MOT.
The Physics Decathlon is a hands-on activity featuring ten exciting physics experiments for participants of all ages. Each experiment ("event") has a measurable outcome, allowing visitors to test their skills in these experimental challenges while learning about fundamental physics concepts and laws.
Cyprus Computer Society Robotics Competitions
Visit The Cyprus Institute researchers and learn about their fascinating projects!
STEM & Robotics Activities for All Ages
The Nutty Scientists are the global leaders in STEAM Edutainment! Since 2021, Cyprus is getting NUTTY!
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Introducing the Smart City Meter, a device designed to enhance urban living through real-time environmental monitoring. This project highlights the use of Kypruino, the first Cyprus-designed Arduino compatible board, showcasing the ingenuity and technological advancement of Cyprus.
16th Pan-Cyprian Conference of Educators & Students
During the SCYENCE Fair, visitors will have the opportunity to experience, in an immersive way, unique virtual reality experiences using state-of-the-art autonomous systems, which allow the user to interact, utilizing his vision, hearing and body movement in 3D virtual worlds and digital environments.
Explore the unique robots from the Pan-Cyprian Robotics Competition FIRST TECH CHALLENGE (FTC) CYPRUS