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The emerging and innovative technologies of Virtual Reality, contribute, through their special characteristics and affordances, to the development of horizontal key skills of the 21st century students, such as the skills of autonomous learning, information-digital literacy, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation.

These technologies are used in multiple projects/seminars of the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, including the Digitally Supported Learning Environment (DSLE) (

During the SCYENCE Fair, visitors will have the opportunity to experience, in an immersive way, unique virtual reality experiences using state-of-the-art autonomous systems, which allow the user to interact, utilizing his vision, hearing and body movement in 3D virtual worlds and digital environments. Through educational applications-virtual reality environments, visitors will have the opportunity to navigate and explore spaces that they could not experience otherwise (e.g. inside the human body or the solar system, etc.) and enhance their experiences by transforming them into “first-order personal experiences”.

At the entrance of the hall there will be a schedule, with time periods, in which visitors to the SCYENCE Fair will be able to register.

Note: the aforementioned systems and apps are aimed at people aged 10 and over.

Christos Roushias Ed.D., Teacher Educator – Educational Technologist, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute

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